Are your Teams using Excel every day but still feel like they only know a fraction of what it can do for them?

Knowledge Path
Our Excel Knowledge Path will start them from the beginning, to make sure they know the basics, and will give them the skill to analyse your data using the power of Excel’s features.

Live Sessions
This course brings your Team through a 9-week program consisting of a 2-hour session each week for 9 weeks. The sessions are run live, with a live tutor, with a Q&A section at the end of each session.

Additional Resources
Each session is recorded, so each employee can revisit the topic. They’ll also receive a file for each session, so they can work along with the trainer, and a Knowledge Card summarising key take-outs.
Excel Knowledge Path: 9 Sessions.
Getting Started with Excel Formatting.
Exploring the interface. Quick Access Toolbar. Formatting. Sheets. Shortcuts. Printing.
Formulas, Operators and Functions.
Using Operators. Autofill. Daily Functions. Intro to Absolute Referencing.
Using Sorting, Filters and Subtotals.
Apply and Custom sorts. Groups and Subtotal. Applying Filters.
Cell Referencing and Using Data Tables.
Cell Referencing. The Name Manager. Converting Range to Tables. Table Tools.
Conditional Formatting and Data Validation.
Conditional Formatting. Data Validation drop-down cells. Text Functions to clean Data.
Conditional Formulas and Logical Functions.
Basic IF Function formula. Multiple IF Statements. CountIF. SumIF. AverageIF.
Using VLookup and HLookUp Functions.
Create Formula using V and HLookup. XLookup intro. Index and Match Functions.
Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts, Slicers, Sparklines.
Creating Pivot Tables from Data. Pivot tools. Charting options and Sparklines.
Creating Beautiful Dashboards for Decision-making.
Offset Functions and when to use them. Summary of all topics with Dashboards.
Additional resources.

Employees get access to the session recordings.

Practice Files.
Practice files for each sessions aid knowledge transfer.

Knowledge Card.
Summary of key take-outs from the session by the Trainer.
Contact us.
One of our team will give you any details you need in person, by phone or by e-Mail. Whichever suits you.
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