Time Management
This course will help you develop effective time management skills. You will learn to set SMART goals, prioritise tasks, and manage your time efficiently. By the end of this course, you will be better equipped to manage daily activities, minimise procrastination, and manage crises.
Course Objectives
This course provides a comprehensive approach to time management. On completion, you will be able to effectively plan your day, manage crises, organise your workspace, delegate tasks, and conduct efficient meetings.
- Workshop Objectives
- Pre-Assignment Review
- The Three P’s
- The SMART Way
- Prioritising Your Goals
- Visualisation
- The 80/20 Rule
- The Urgent/Important Matrix
- Being Assertive
- Creating Your Productivity Journal
- Maximising the Power of Your Productivity Journal
- The Glass Jar: Rocks, Pebbles, Sand, and Water
- Chunk, Block, and Tackle
- Ready, Fire, Aim!
- Why We Procrastinate
- Nine Ways to Overcome Procrastination
- When the Storm Hits
- Creating a Plan
- Executing the Plan
- Lessons Learned
- De-Clutter
- Managing Workflow
- Dealing with E-mail
- Using Calendars
- When to Delegate
- To Whom Should You Delegate?
- How Should You Delegate?
- Keeping Control
- The Importance of Full Acceptance
- What is a Ritual?
- Ritualising Sleep, Meals, and Exercise
- Example Rituals
- Using Rituals to Maximise Time
- Deciding if a Meeting is Necessary
- Using the PAT Approach
- Building the Agenda
- Keeping Things on Track
- Making Sure the Meeting Was Worthwhile
- Instant Messaging and Chat Rooms
- Teleconferencing
- E-Mail Lists and Online Groups
- Collaboration Applications
You will learn how to
- Plan and prioritise daily activities
- Overcome procrastination
- Handle crises effectively
- Organise workspace and workflow
- Delegate efficiently
- Use rituals to maximise time
- Plan and manage meetings appropriately
No prior knowledge is needed. Suitable for beginners looking to improve their time management skills.
Classroom and Virtual training options
1 Day
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